A constant battle for the thermostat

At my stadium of work, people have been battling over the temperature control settings forever it seems, but then eventually it was getting out of control and the boss told everybody not to mess with the temperature control settings for much longer, then even though he said this, it seemed that nobody listened because they pressed on to change up the temperature control settings, however finally, the boss decided to have a smart thermostat installed in the office which had a passcode so that nobody would be able to change the temperature control settings any longer.

This was now working okay for a phase of time, even though I had a associate who happened to be a little bit of a hacker.

He was somehow able to hack the passcode and then he was decreasing up the temperature control settings once more. When the boss l received about what was happening, he was really furious. He monitored everybody in the place of employment carefully and ended up discovering that our associate was the one that had hacked the smart thermostat. He ended up getting fired and the boss said he was blessed that he was not pressing charges for him tearing into his temperature control system. I felt as if it wasn’t legitimately that big of an issue, but our associate was fired and he had to find a current task as soon as possible. He has a family to take care of and I thought it was upsetting how he lost his work. I believe our associate thought it wasn’t a large issue either since most people used to argue over the temperature control settings in the place of employment respectfully. I believe everybody is going to have to be more careful about what they do at task moving forward.
Heating corporation