Bad air was making me sick

I have never really given much thought to the whole home maintenance thing.

This is probably because it was never my responsibility growing up and my parents simply hired someone to do that sort of thing. The biggest downside of this is the fact that I don’t make enough money to hire someone to do things for me. I have had to learn the basics on my own or from friends and it has been a struggle at times. Iam ok with the small stuff, lawn care, painting, and I even learned how to change a light socket, but when it comes to appliances, I am lost. Some of my friends swear by YouTube videos and say that you can fix anything if you watch them. If you are like me and unfamiliar with tools, you shouldn’t do that. Anyway, i I started to notice a correlation between turning on my HVAC system and my having a cold. I would be fine, and then I would turn on the heat or air conditioning, and within a few days I was feeling stuffy and ill. I had changed the filters as instructed so I figured that would keep me healthy. I was wrong. I looked online and found that many illnesses are caused by dirty, germ ridden, ducts that run throughout your house. This was something I never even considered. When I called a local company to come clean them I was shocked when they said that nearly twenty pounds of dust and debris had been removed. I don’t even know where that much would come from but I now have a standing appointment every other year to have them cleaned.

heated floors