Combination of air vent cleaning and air purification system combats smells

Last November, our hubby and three sons took a fishing charter, but they spent the afternoon out on the lake and returned lake modern home with a cooler full of fresh fish, and i fired up the barbecue and cooked fish for our dinner, however all of us ate out on the back patio and it was delicious. I froze the leftover fish until I decided to prepare it over the winter. I baked the fish in the oven and the smell was horribly strong. The smell got into the ducts and was spread throughout the entire house. Since the outside temperature was down to eighteen degrees, every one of us couldn’t go without the oil furnace. I absolutely couldn’t open up the windows to air out the house. I hoped that the fishy smell would dissipate before every one of us headed to bed at night; Unfortunately, I could still smell it the following afternoon. This was a clear indication of concerns with indoor air conditions. I busy an evaluation of the lake modern home with a local Heating and Air Conditioning dealer, but she observed the fishy smell the moment she stepped inside. After an inspection of the oil furnace, she told myself and others that there was a buildup of contaminants within the ductwork. This accumulation harbored smells and spread harmful bacteria and toxins into our breathing air every time the furnace started up. She proposed duct cleaning and the upgrade of an air purification system. The air purification system runs 24/7 and requires only annual upkeep. It treats the air as it passes through the oil furnace, trapping particulate and killing microorganisms. It gets rid of bad smells and provides a cleaner, fresher and more wonderful living environment.

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