Do your best to lower HVAC cooling cost in summer

Finally, I simply programmed the thermostat to let the house heat up more during the peak heating hours.

Here we are once again. I don’t think anyone is surprised of confused about one thing in our lives. That would be that it’s summer and it is broiling hot outside. With all the turmoil going on around us, there is something almost palatable about having the summer at least be the same. Granted, most of us are inside the HVAC our homes a lot more. I miss swinging down to the local to have a pint in the cool HVAC. But, I can wait. Instead, I am certainly getting plenty of work done at home. And thankfully, my trusty HVAC unit is providing the perfect cooling relief to balance the scorching temps outside. But it sure doesn’t come cheap. In fact, until this year, HVAC costs really hurt our budget during the summer. Knowing that we would be inside the HVAC a lot more this year, I made some changes. The first thing I did was to replace all the weather stripping. Then, I caulked every gap I could find to really seal up the house. Next, I ordered some solar curtains. These things are great because they stop the direct sun heating so well. We keep all of those curtains closed during the heat of the day. Finally, I simply programmed the thermostat to let the house heat up more during the peak heating hours. We’re just more than halfway through the heat and we have saved about 20 percent on our electric bill. That will go a long way toward helping make ends meet for my family. It’s amazing what you can do with a little effort.

HVAC worker