Getting back to our roots thanks to current Heating, Ventilation, and A/C method

When I moved to the north with the husband that I had just married, I legitimately thought it would be temporary. In a way it was temporary but just not the way I thought it would be. Being from the south, I wasn’t too keen on spending Winter after Winter inside the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C heating gave by a gas gas furnace. I grew up in a region where Winter was a welcome season and not 1 to be dreaded. Sure, the heat pump might come on a bit here and there to knock out the chill in the house. But by and large, Winter was not any sort of awful situation at all. That all changed when I moved north with our husband as he started his work. I was right about the winters and hating the fact that I couldn’t go barefoot inside the house. Shoot, I couldn’t go separate from sweatpants and a hoodie in the Winter even with the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C heating pumping. Thankfully, both of us moved not to long thereafter but it wasn’t to the south where I wanted to embrace the heat pump once again. Both of us ended up more toward the middle of the country and that’s where both of us raised our family and are now going to retire. I love it here and have more or less gotten over that I won’t be going home to the south to live it appears. But I do get to go back to our roots in 1 way. Thanks to the radiant floor heating from our geo heat pump, I get to go barefoot all Winter just the way I did when I was but a boy.

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