Glad that I installed the ductless mini cut on my own

I’ll be the first to divulge that I always thought Heating, Ventilation & A/C upgrades were likely best kept to the professionals.

I believed that until I started enjoying DIY Heating, Ventilation & A/C upgrade videos.

The main upgrade videos they do are the ductless mini cut upgrades & numerous Heating, Ventilation & A/C components love window A/C units, whole home media air cleaners, & even UV media air cleaners. So I wanted to try installing my own ductless mini split. I entirely ended up ordering a legitimately nice multi-zone ductless mini split, although I had it resting for a little while before I got around to the upgrade. My wifey was growing anxious because she was tired of seeing it just resting there. She thought maybe I was letting it kneel there because I was uneasy about the upgrade. She recommended that I just call up the Heating, Ventilation & A/C company to have the professionals take care of the upgrade. It was entirely her saying that which spurred me into action. I entirely knew exactly what to do & I planned it all out in my mind. I was able to install the condenser component in the perfect spot. I sited all of the units in their respective areas & I was able to run all of the lines through the hole I had to drill to the outside. Honestly, the upgrade of the ductless mini cut was easier than I imagined, & it was a perfect investment. I saved a ton of money by doing it on my own, & it works wonderfully. I’m blissful that I decided to take care of it on my own.

New heating units