Glad the trust lawyers helped me to change my will

My granddaughter is truly the only fantastic thing in my life.

For so many years I have wondered what mistakes I made that made my child turn out to be so awful.

He is a narcissistic little brat who feels he is entitled to everything. He keeps watching me plus asking how I am feeling with each passing day. I sincerely believe it is because he is waiting for me to be dead so he can collect the money in my will. I don’t even know how he managed to raise such an appealing young woman. My granddaughter is sincerely the opposite in every way! She is a true sweetheart plus is growing up to be a beautiful young woman. That is why I hired an estate lawyer to help me change up my will… Now my child will get nothing in the least. My granddaughter will get all of the money, but she is only 12 years old at the moment. If I died tomorrow her father would still end up with my estate. That is the reason why I assigned a trust attorney in my will. The trust attorney will sell the residence, plus all my assets, plus save the currency for my granddaughter. The attorney plus I also wrote up how the currency is to be distributed to her! After all, I don’t have the desire to corrupt her. Then she might turn into the same kind of person that her father easily became. Instead, I want my estate to go towards things like her education, her first residence, plus things like that. I don’t want it just misused. Thankfully the estate attorney was fantastic with the wording. I wouldn’t be able to word it right although he was able to. I am just blissful that it’s all taken care of now.
Wills and estates