Grandfather lost his teeth and his house.

I knew Grandfather was getting a bit senile, but I couldn’t guess him when he called the other day.

He idly asked what I was doing and I told him I was just hanging around the lake house relaxing. He asked myself and others if I could come over to the lake house for a couple hours. When I got there, he had the vacuum cleaner out and he asked if I would please wash the HVAC ducts for him. I vacuumed all of the HVAC ducts and I asked if there was anything else I could do. He wanted myself and others to get a mirror and do a visual check of the air vents, especially those in the powder room. I was scratching my head wondering what in the world had happened that he distraught about the cleanliness of the air vents. He then asked if I would check the air filter in the gas furnace. I went downstairs and I checked the air filter. When I saw Grandfather’s teeth in there, I almost laughed. I pulled them out with a paper towel and I took them upstairs. I asked if this was what he was looking for. He made myself and others promise not to tell my parents about him losing his teeth. He said he had been cleaning the gas furnace and the air vents and he knew he had lost them. He blamed it on them being loose. I laughed and told him that next he would be losing his house. He sat down and almost cried. He told myself and others that maybe I should tell my parents about the teeth. He forgot how to get house the day before, after doing his shopping.


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