Great air quality thanks to a good investment

A little over two years ago when my partner and I moved into our new home we knew that there were going to be some things that we needed to change about it.

It had a great look to it and we got it at a very low price considering its size, but with this low price came tons of problems inside.

Over these two years we have had to put our blood sweat and tears into this house and the hard work has paid off. One of the first investments that we made into this home was installing a state of the art air conditioning unit with a built in air purifier. We had heard from many friends who also have experience in flipping houses that improving the air quality in a home is the key to making it start to feel like your own. My wife and I have discussed this multiple times, and this HVAC purchase is without a doubt the best thing we have done to improve this home. The air quality in this house has gone from below average to fantastic, and we no longer are forced to reach out to the local HVAC companies each time our old A/C unit broke down on us. Considering how loud and bulky the old HVAC system seemed before we made the house feel like our own we certainly feel proud not only for being able to replace the unit on our own, but being able to say that we turned this old home into a true beauty as well.

air duct