Heating Your Home Safely in The Winter

There is no doubt that heating is the second leading cause of home fires after cooking.

You should keep flammable materials at least three feet away from furnaces, fireplaces, wood stoves, and space heaters in order to avoid accidents. Ninety-nine percent of the fires that spread past the object of origin occurred because there was too much proximity between the heat source (a space heater or fireplace) and things that were prone to burning. In order to keep your home warm, you should never use an oven or stovetop. The ovens in the kitchen are not designed to heat homes; they are only meant to cook food in. An annual inspection and cleaning of your heating system should be performed by a qualified professional. Make sure you check the area around your furnace or boiler for any signs of damage. In many heating equipment fires, flammable materials and substances are kept too close to the furnace as a result of flammable materials and substances being left nearby. You should keep trash, paint, and other flammable materials far away from your heating system in order to prevent fires. The use of space heaters should never be left unattended, nor should they be left running overnight while you are sleeping. Space heaters should also be plugged directly into a wall. Do not use an extension cord or power strip as they can overheat and cause a fire. Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors once per month. During a winter storm, smoke alarms dependent on your home’s electrical service may not work during a power outage. If your smoke alarm uses a back-up battery, install a new battery at least once a year.


furnace/heater tune-up