High college is the worst!

School is never any fun to head back to, and it is even worse when the college is underfunded and in bad condition.

  • This is exactly what I had to deal with for the past four years of my high college job sadly.

Along with the sports teams barely having enough unit and uniforms to have a adequate chance of success, the academic aspect was even worse! Even though all of us live in a very hot and dry temperature, the college only has a few old and run-down air conditioner units within a few rooms. And at least eighty to ninety percent of all of the rooms, there is only a common ceiling fan and a few resting fans to keep all of the kids cooled off. I cannot even count how many times kids have ended up fainting or feeling light headed and needing to be rushed to a single of the rooms that has air conditioner before things got any worse, and once my senior year came around and I was preparing to go back to the irritated conditions of my college, I decided to beginning a petition with my friends to urge the principal to do her task, and install more air conditioner units in the college, but what started out by getting some signatures around town, and the petition began spreading like wildfire, then before all of us knew it all of us had over 10,000 signatures and the principal had no option at the end of a van to agree to the terms and install a dozen more air conditioner units in the college. I guess it’s not a perfect solution, but it will hopefully ensure that future kids that attend this college will be able to focus on college more with the fresh and cool air flowing through the halls, instead of just trying to get through the day separate from passing out.



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