Hot water and dishwashers

I screwed up royally when I first got my dishwasher.

I was a young bride and we had never had a dishwasher when I lived at home.

My husband thought it would be a nice gift for me when I was pregnant. It was a very nice sentiment, but I had no idea how to run it. I wasn’t feeling well one night, and I had loaded all of the dishes into the dishwasher. I didn’t have any dishwasher cleanser so I used my regular dish detergent. I didn’t want to chase my husband out for dishwasher detergent, because it was cold and snowy and he didn’t have a heater in his car. I just wanted to sit at home and feel the heat from the furnace. When my husband called from work to see if I was okay, I never thought to tell him about the dishwasher detergent. I was too busy talking to him, enjoying hearing his voice and telling him about the baby’s heartbeat, that I had heard that evening. When he got home that evening, I heard him down in the kitchen. I got up, like I always did, and there he was scrubbing the kitchen. That’s when I realized that dish liquid and dishwashing detergent were not the same. I had suds all over the kitchen. The heat of the hot water, had the suds sticky and he wasn’t having a good time. He smiled and told me to go back to bed. I snuggled up in the heat of the bed while I heard him cleaning the floor. I may never live that one down..


Heating maintenance