I am so glad that someone invented the window air conditioner

Honestly, I am very glad that somebody invented the window air conditioner.

I do not know what I would have done throughout all of these years without my window air conditioner.

The window air conditioner is actually much older than the central air conditioner. The central air conditioner was the first kind of air conditioner to be invented. However, due to the fact that central air conditioners were initially so expensive, they invented window air conditioners that were capable of only cooling down one room. These air conditioners were a little more affordable. I am sure that people have been hoping that the price of central air conditioners would go down, but even after over one hundred years, central air conditioners are still very expensive, and the window air conditioner remains as an affordable option when it comes to air conditioners. For my entire adult life, I have never been able to afford a central air conditioner. That does not mean that I haven’t been trying to buy a central air conditioner. I just can never keep the money long enough before an emergency happens. Thankfully, I have had a window air conditioner this entire time that keeps me cool. Window air conditioners are so affordable. I am so glad that somebody invented the window air conditioner, and I am so glad that somebody cared enough to make an air conditioner that was actually affordable. That was really thoughtful of them. I couldn’t have survived so long without my window air conditioner, and I might never be able to afford a central air conditioner.

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