I appreciate the air in my car

In the past year or so, I’ve made a lot of large adjustments.

I’m very proud of myself for being so flexible, however it hasn’t been an easy adjustment by any means.

I’ve made fantastic strides in my personal life as times have harshly changed. To start, I moved to a brand new neighborhood. Secondly, I began working for a brand new company. Lastly, I have recently conquered my greatest annoyance of all, the traffic! You see, in this new neighborhood there is no way to avoid the continual go and stop motion of a few hundred humans trying to utilize the same roads at the same time of day. It has been one of my biggest annoyances and enemies recently. However, it dawned on me how superior it was to my alternative option. Sure, I get super annoyed sitting in my car, however it would be far worse if I had to walk home in the overwhelming heat, humidity, or rain! When I’m sitting in traffic and see all the disappointing folks covered in sweat during the hottest summer afternoons, I hastily don’t feel so bad for myself. I have realized that as long as I can relax in the AC, I can literally cool myself down as much as I need. My automobile is nothing special, however it does actually have A/C that works, so this means I am capable of making the indoor air temperature just about as cool and dry as I’d like. Even if I get stuck in traffic, watching my life slip away, at least I’m basking in the high quality treated air while I’m cursing the road maps.


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