I believe I will just take Wintertide holidays.

Last year our hubby & I decided the two of us should begin taking Wintertide holidays.

  • Summer holidays were no longer as nice as they used to be.

I used to care about taking off & going to the beach. The adolescents & I would build sand castles while our hubby went fishing. The two of us had picnics on the beach & the two of us would sleep in our sleeping bags when it was too moderate in the beach beach house the two of us rented. Soon after the two of us began renting the beach house, the owner installed A/C. That’s when the two of us began sleeping on the beach just because the two of us liked it. Now that our adolescents have gotten older, they have their holiday with their own families. My child recently bought a lodge up north & they take most of their holidays at the lodge. They are close to a ski lodge & every year the two of us get an invitation to join them. I hated giving up our summer time holidays, but without the adolescents, it just wasn’t the same anymore. Last month, our hubby looked at myself and others & simply said, ‘Why not?’. I knew he was talking about holidaying in the mountains while in the winter. Now that fall has arrived & Wintertide is coming, the two of us are looking forward to holiday. Our child said there is a room they have reserved just for our hubby & myself. I believe we’re going to have a lot of fun sitting by the fireplace with the grandadolescents. The two of us can go out & prefer the crisp Wintertide air, come inside & have tepid chocolate by the fireplace while our hubby dozes. Whether it’s AC or heating, as long as the adolescents are there, we’ll prefer it.