I don’t think it’s time to go back

I don’t know about you, but I miss the nationwide quarantine.

Although it took myself and others a while to come around to the way of living, I did come around, as well as now being out as well as about in the larger world makes myself and others assume anxious, and I realize that psychologically speaking, I believe I know what happened — I developed a phobia, due to being trapped inside for months as well as being fed a constant stream of horrifying stats to keep myself and others inside.

Now the authorities say “okay, go ahead, go back to normal” I find myself not at all wanting to return to what the old normal used to be. In my central Heating as well as A/C plan I use a very high-priced and helpful air filter that has been approved by HEPA, as well as is honestly supposed to be the best on the market for air quality control. Not only that, it’s supposed to be the best air filter that was ever made, the same quality they use in medical labs these days for the cleanest possible air. After getting used to having superior air quality, I am loathe to go back out into the world with its stagnant humidity, heat, as well as foul stinks. Moreover, this air filter removes 99.9% of all unwanted particulate matter from the air, so the indoor air quality is so much healthier than being outside. So far I will say, I have not had to leave the comfort of my home as well as my indoor air quality. I’m not excited, however sooner or later my boss is going to not let us do the task from home any longer. Can I stay home in relative safety?

a/c representative