I feel really bad for the workers on the roof

I feel really bad for these heating and air conditioning workers who are on the roof of the building down the street from us today.

I can see them from my living room window where I am working today, and I feel really bad for them because the weather is so hot outside today.

The temperature is supposed to be in the high nineties today and all of these guys are up there on the black roof, working on the commercial air conditioning units that are installed up there. Meanwhile, I am in my nice cool living room with the air conditioning blasting. Sometimes it makes me feel really thankful to have a job like mine, where I can stay inside and work in the air conditioning during the day in the summer. But then again, it also makes me feel a little bit guilty because of guys like these who are out working in the heat. Honestly though, it probably would not bother me very much if I could not see them out my window. Out of sight, out of mind, as they always say. Actually, I’m thinking about moving into my bedroom to work today just so I don’t have to look at them. I don’t know what that says about me, but at least I know that I do have a conscience! I feel really bad about them being out there working on the air conditioning units when I already am inside enjoying mine. Hopefully they will get finished up soon before the afternoon sun hits and it gets even hotter than it is right now.


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