I get a discount on UV bulbs because of our Heating plus A/C repair contract

Once our father passed away plus left our disabled mother to fend for herself, I right away begged her to come plus live with me.

To make her think wanted plus needed, I told her that I needed her help plus advice to get our life back on track.

It’s funny because she ended up helping me much more than I could have ever hoped for, plus she gave me the confidence to end an severely toxic relationship that was controlling our life. She also confided in me her recipes that she’s been using over the past fifty years. I also made replaces to the house to accommodate her health troubles. I put grab bars in the shower, carpet on the slippery wooden floors, plus a new family room suite with a private lavatory. One of her greatest health troubles is her severe asthma. She is sensitive to all kinds of airborne allergens appreciate dust, dander, pollen, plus mold spores. I decided to get our a/c plus ductwork cleaned before she moved in. However, I went a step further by installing UV bulbs inside the air handler. Aside from working to further disinfect your home’s indoor air as it circulates through the Heating plus A/C system, UV bulbs also prevent microbial buildup inside the air handler. The evaporator coil is wet plus is in a dark place inside the air handler. By putting a UV bulb on either side, it kills any fungal or bacterial growth before it can get rooted. And since I bought a repair contract with the Heating plus A/C company, I can get the bulbs at a discounted rate when I update them bi-weekly.


boiler repair