I had to leave the commercial air conditioning

It’s been a very interesting few years, of course, I imagine that has been the case for most people in business.

The pandemic, ensuing financial problems and now inflation has kept our business practices evolving.

But I think I’m lucky that I work for a business that is of a size that it can stay nimble for fluctuations. That was never more the case than when we were sent home to work from the central air conditioning of our homes. I wasn’t so sure that I’d see the inside of our office and enjoy the commercial HVAC of that building again. I just didn’t guess if I would survive or if the business would be able to hang on. It was absolutely all hands on deck that summer time of 2020. For me, I had to serve buyers. And I couldn’t consistently do that from the air conditioning comfort of an online meeting hundreds of miles away. I needed to be careful for sure but I also needed to get to our buyers. Even though airlines kept strict mask mandates and emplotted HEPA filters, the business said no flying. So those in our position just packed up the car, put the air conditioning on high and hit the long, hot interstate. That’s the only system of travel we had open to us at the time. It worked out though because our business was nimble enough to get to our buyers and we even gained market share while we were in the worst of the global health crisis. At the end of each day that summer, I consistently knew just where to find the most consistent lodging. It was consistently the mid tier hotels off the interstate that had the old school wall air conditioning units.


air purification system