I just had to buy a personal HVAC unit

I just had to buy a personal HVAC unit.

I don’t think that there was any other way to deal with the crazy arguments that I have been having with my roommate ever since I moved into this apartment.

I attend a college in the area, and I was struggling to find a roommate that I could split rent with. I finally found a roommate, and I found that we were pretty similar to each other. I never realized that we would disagree so much on the furnace. I like the temperatures to be colder all year long. During the summer, I normally use the central air conditioner a lot, and during the winter, I hardly ever use the furnace. On the other hand, my roommate hates cold temperatures. During the summer, he would prefer to not own a central air conditioner at all, and during the winter, he prefers to use the furnace to make our apartment feel like a sauna. Ever since I moved here, we have been arguing about how the temperature should be set in our house. No matter how we tried to compromise, nothing was working. Eventually, I decided that the only way that we were ever going to learn to get along is by me purchasing a window air conditioner. Since he likes to keep the rest of the house hot, I told him that he could set the thermostat however he wanted, but I was buying a window air conditioner for my room. I don’t go out of my room often anymore, but at least we are both comfortable. I hate that the only way that we could stop arguing was for me to avoid him and buy my own HVAC unit.


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