I keep forgetting to call the landlord about the HVAC unit

I keep forgetting to call the landlord about the HVAC unit, and I know that it is going to end up biting me in the butt in the future. Right now, the temperatures are pretty comfortable outside, and that is why I am so comfortable without the HVAC unit. We do not even have the HVAC unit on. However, I remember that the HVAC unit had a problem last year when we used it. The furnace was still working, but the furnace was making a ton of loud noises when we used it last time. We told ourselves that we would remember to call the landlord about the furnace, but when we turned the furnace off, we completely forgot about it. Now, nearly 7 months later, we still haven’t called the landlord. Every once in a while, I will remember that the furnace is broken, but since I never remember the furnace at the right time, I never get a chance to call the HVAC technician. However, if I do not remember to call the HVAC technician soon, the furnace won’t be working properly when we actually have to use the furnace, and I know that we will be completely uncomfortable without the furnace. I just don’t know how I am going to remember to remind myself about the furnace if I haven’t been able to remind myself after months of knowing that my furnace isn’t working properly. I guess that I am just going to have to do what I can. I hope that I remember to call the landlord soon, but if I don’t, I will remember to call him after the first few days of actually needing the furnace.


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