I learned a lot about HVAC as a child

We finally weren’t in bed feeling uncomfortable, and being hot

Growing up in our big house we did a lot as a family. We were really close. We had a lot of fun. There were good and bad times. As you know all families have those days, but for the most part we were a close-knit family. The heater and air conditioner did not work to well and we lived in Miami, Fl. There was definitely a need for air and conditioner. There were several times we had to call the HAVC technician to come over and fix the air conditioner there were miserable times sometimes in the house. Especially on days when it would get excoriating hot . On hot days like that we would get the outside water house to cool us off. The HAVC technician would fix our air Conditioning but it would work for a few days and then it would stop working so disappointing. The HAVC technician stayed over our house more than anyone in the neighborhood. However, we were determined to get the air conditioner to work. After months of trying to get the air to work we finally were successful. The air started to work. We were super excited bouncing off of the wall. It was finally not hot we were not dripping in sweat. It was beautiful we could finally sleep good at night, without tossing and turning. We finally weren’t in bed feeling uncomfortable, and being hot. I was like a kid at the candy store. I would creep downstairs and lay in front of the air conditioner to feel the nice breeze we were very happy.

air purification system