I put a ductless mini split in my home to use it in all seasons

It’s nice having a lanai connected to my ground level condominium.

  • I have set up a grill on the piece of sidewalk connected to the lanai if I ever want to have a little barbecue with friends or family members.

This is perfect if you’re someone savor myself and others who enjoys entertaining guests at least once a month most weeks. I insist on having friends plus family over savor I did when I had a private dorm room on campus while we were in graduate college. When I took a task in another state for a few years, I was isolated because I failed to make any friends plus didn’t recognize anyone in the section to begin with. So when I finally came back to my hometown, I essentially established an open door policy with all of my friends, family, plus work neighbors. It’s nice having holiday meals here especially. Periodically I’ll even host a Thanksgiving lunch if I can rely on my siblings to help myself and others with the cooking. The first year we had thanksgiving here I decided to put a ductless mini split in my lanai plus set up a big table there so we’d have a charming view from all angles. It’s nice knowing that I can have guests in the lanai at all times of the year because I have a ductless mini split that also has a gas furnace built in. There are numerous ductless mini splits that only offer cooling features. If it ever gets below freezing I can regularly add a space gas furnace to improve the warmth out there. Otherwise, the gas furnace in the ductless mini split is more than satisfactory at keeping myself and others plus my guest warm at all times.


Heating and cooling equipment