I saw a really cute Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C guy at the grocery store the other day

I was out at the grocery store Last weekand that’s when I observed a really cute guy in line behind me.

He had on an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C contractor’s uniform.

I could see the name of the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation on his hat because it was in fairly crucial print. Of course, he was kneeling the required numerous feet away from me, so I couldn’t study the name on his name tag. Anyway, he kept glancing over at me plus smiling plus that’s when I realized that I recognized him. He was the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C contractor who had done my yearly a/c maintenance for me numerous weeks ago. I guess he recognized me around the same time because he asked me if I remembered him. After all of us both had evaluated out, all of us started talking to each other in the parking lot. We had a lot in common, other than my air conditioner unit, of course. I have to say, I really like a guy in uniform, even if it’s an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation uniform plus not a military one. He ended up asking me out, however these afternoons all of the restaurants are closed so all of us went on a picnic instead. We met up at a park later plus sat far away from each other while all of us talked plus ate ham sandwiches. He told me all about his job at the heating plus cooling corporation, plus he said that he had wanted to ask me out when he was at my beach house working on my air conditioner however it was against corporation policy. I’m really ecstatic that all of us ran into each other again at the grocery store.


Whole home heating