I thought changing an HVAC air filter would be easy.

I wished someone had told me that air filters were a pain to change.

  • I would have called my boyfriend to come over plus change it for me.

I wanted to change the air filter in the air conditioner unit, but it wasn’t happening. I pulled so difficult that I fell on my bottom plus I knew I was going to have a black plus orange mark someplace. I broke a nail, plus when I fell, I landed in a mud puddle, so now my hair was all muddy. I screamed and got up to try it again. There was an actual heating plus air conditioning repair van in my neighbor’s yard, so I walked over to see if I could get some help from him. He was just coming out of the house, plus he looked at me like I was a wild dog or something. I eventually asked if he would change the air filter in the air conditioner unit. I was in this condition because I could not get the outdated air filter out. The heating plus air conditioning serviceman bit his lip, although he followed me. He stooped down to take the air filter out, although he could not get it out either. He asked who had last changed the air filter, plus I told him it was my boyfriend. He raised his eyebrows, although he didn’t say a word. He told me the boyfriend had put the air filter in wrong, He had to force the air filter out, plus it ended up ripping plus sending dust plus dirt all over me. It simply went perfectly with the mud. I finally had a new air filter in the AC unit, plus I was thinking about getting a new boyfriend. The heating plus air conditioning serviceman was also single plus cute.


new hvac systems