I thought he was having fun

My nice neighbor has a deranged sense of humor, however you never believe when he is telling the truth or pulling a joke on you, but this was the case when every one of us were hanging out a few weeks ago plus he kept going on about how he was going to visit this legal weed store near me to get some pot legally.

I was laughing at him thinking this was some kind of deranged joke because he looked so extreme when he was telling me about what he was going to do, however also the fact that he was saying that there was a legal marijuana store near me was even more off the wall, however come to find out he wasn’t joking! He went on to tell me that he got his legal medical marijuana card from his local doctor because he had been having some concerns with his back after pulling it out while every one of us were in a task… His medical marijuana card gives him temporary access to these legal weed stores to use marijuana as an alternative to pain meds.

After really hearing our neighbor out plus him explaining it in deep detail, I thought it was the most awesome thing! Not for the fact of getting to smoke weed legally, or the fact that there is an actual real legal weed store near me! But the fact that they found a superb alternative to pain medicine that is much safer than the drug. Although they call marijuana drugs, it is really a area of holistic health plus it is all natural. There is no question about that.



legal marijuana dispensary near me