I took a smoke cut before finishing the A/C repair

Occasionally a purchaser will be as nice as possible and other times the purchaser will be mean and rude; I adore when shoppers don’t talk to me at all.

  • One of the reasons why I chose the heating and A/C maintenance profession is so I don’t have to deal with people all of the time.

I don’t have to deal with anyone on a proper basis because I am constantly laboring on a task… The most interaction I have is with the purchaser and I try to make that as little as possible, and when I get to an address, I talked to the owner of the house or business. I make sure that they know I am there to get the work done… After that, I usually don’t talk to the purchaser again until I am ready to present them with a bill. If I have any questions or concerns, I will find the purchaser to ask, but I try not to have much interaction with them if possible. There was a purchaser at a recent maintenance that decided to contact the office after I took a smoke break. The purchaser did not know that I should take a smoke cut before I finish the repair. When the guy saw me sitting outside in our truck with a cigarette, he gave me a dirty look. I waved to the guy because I did not realize he was upset… He thought I was being a jerk and called our boss. It was a massive misunderstanding but I got into trouble for taking a smoke break.


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