I want someone who appreciates good HVAC maintenance and air quality

The older you get, the more your priorities change when it comes to relationships.

  • when I was a youngster, I think my greatest problem was how cute the boy was… I did not undoubtedly think about compatibility or sharing life responsibilities! My brain wants as far as his pretty eyes & lovely flippy hair.

Other than that, I think that everything would just work itself out if the two of us enjoyed each other enough. It turns out, love is a lot more involved than blind attraction. I have come to learn this the strenuous way many times over. In fact, at this point, I’m so over it when it comes to love that I am far more interested in the practical matters than physical attraction. When I start dating someone new, these afternoons I would rather learn about their money handling skills than their number one locations to eat. Recently, I started seeing somebody new & I honestly freaked him out when I started talking about his philosophy behind Heating & Air Conditioning appliances. I inquired if he had a smart temperature control unit or an old-school dial control unit. I wanted to be aware if he had an indoor air temperature control program already programed at his dwelling. I was curious if he correctly called out a Heating & Air Conditioning company to inspect & repair his central heating & cooling appliance. I undoubtedly wanted to learn how he felt about energy efficient HVAC appliances & carefully monitoring heating & cooling appliance usage. At the end of the day, I need to know that the two of us share Heating & Air Conditioning philosophies so the two of us can share a comfortable dwelling. I want an air-aware & energy conscious guy.

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