I was entirely motivated

I was always sick of being overheated in my bedroom. I decided to ask my parents if they would get me my own window A/C unit, so that I could keep cool in my room. My father was saying that if I got good grades on my report card, then he would get me a nice window A/C unit. I was very motivated, so I paid extra attention to my teachers and worked hard on all my homework. Some nights I was totally exhausted with the studying I was doing, but I knew it would be worth it when I would get that new cooling machine in my room. I was nervous when the report cards finally were mailed out and my parents got mine in the mail. When my father opened up the report card, he supplied me with a very disappointing look and shook his head. He then gave the report card to my mom for her to look at. She got very excited and was smiling, and I was just confused. My father then gave a hint of a smile and then told me I did great! I actually got all A’s except for the one B in math. He then took me out to the store to look at different window A/C machines. He said that it would have to be an energy efficient model, because he didn’t want the energy bills to spike too high. So we found this really nice energy efficient A/C machine that had a convenient remote control. I was so happy when I finally started using it!



Plumbing leak detection