I wish my friend would do something good with his life for a change

It really bothers me the way a friend of mine lives.

I used to think that he would really be successful in life because he was really smart back in school.

He turned out to become really lazy and didn’t want to go to college. He just works a lame waiter job and barely makes enough money to pay for his bills. He lives in this run down apartment and he doesn’t even keep up with his HVAC system maintenance like changing the air filters for his HVAC. I always tell him that he should at least change the air filters. He claims he changes the air filters enough, but he uses these really cheap air filters that don’t do anything for the air quality. I honestly can’t stand being in his apartment at all because it’s filthy, the air quality is poor, and it’s really just hard to breathe in there. Not to mention it smells like rotten food and there are all kinds of mixed smells that are unpleasant. It really makes me wonder what happened to my friend, because he’s smart. He was a complete whiz back in school and people even made fun of him and would call him an egg head. I guess he let those people get to him because now he has wasted his intelligence on being a lazy guy who doesn’t make something out of his life. I have told him that he should get a better job and make something out of his life instead of just living such a trash lifestyle. That actually offended him. I’m glad, because maybe it will help him wake up so he can choose to do something better with his life.


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