If you believe you might want a up-to-date fireplace, get your order in

If you believe that you and your family might want to get a up-to-date fireplace for this winter, then you better get your order in right away.

Honestly, you might be too late already at this point because of all of the supply troubles that the Heating and A/C companies and fireplace companies have been having over the last year.

All of the fireplace dealers and fireplace manufacturers here in the area have been having a poor time with getting the parts that they need to make their fireplaces and keep up with their orders the way that they normally would. It’s really a hard time for everyone these afternoons. I suppose love I get aggravated at basically nothing these afternoons and I’m sure that just about everyone else feels the same way most of the time, too! Things are just frustrating, and that includes the fact that you just can’t get a fireplace installed at any old time that you want to. I found this out the hard way whenever I had our Heating and A/C worker come over to our up-to-date home to do our official heating method tune up for this year. I asked him about getting a up-to-date fireplace method installed and I easily wanted it finished before the holidays this year. He almost laughed at myself and others when I told him that. He said that along with everyone else, I would just have to be willing to wait around for the parts and pieces to get the fireplace put in, however unfortunately, with everything that’s been going on around here, waiting around has become a fact of life!


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