In a pickle about Winter heating

The way I see it, I have another numerous weeks to make a decision, so I will take as much time as I need to figure it out. On one hand, this is something that needs to be done, but on the other hand it will cost myself and others a lot of cash which I do not have. I am trying to know outside the box, as the youngsters like to say, and figure out a way to make it work separate from much cash. I have consulted with numerous unusual corporations, and the lowest estimate I got for repairing our heating system was still double our budget. Without a central Heating plus Air Conditioning system in play, I won’t be able to live in this condo come winter. The Winter weather gets too cold around here, for too long, and having a steady heating source is a requirement for survival, then so now you see our predicament, because I need a heating system but can’t afford what I have looked at so far. I might get a wood burning oil furnace, which will be excellent for heating up one room, but won’t be able to heat the whole house. It would be even cheaper to buy a series of space gas furnaces of multiple sizes, for the unusual rooms I use. I think that in the long run space gas furnaces will use up more energy and cost myself and others more cash. One way or the other I will need some heating, but none of the available options seem like the right choice, so I don’t think what I should do.

Cooling workman