Is this a good idea or not?

I have been reading things about energy savings related to heating and air conditioning.

I have seen several places that say if you buy a portable space heater and a portable air conditioning system and use them in place of your central heating and cooling unit, you could end up saving a lot of money on your monthly electric bills.

Nearly cutting them in half! This is something that sounds too good to be true. I am just being honest. I am considering giving it a try though. Using the portable heating and air conditioning equipment half the day and the central heating and air conditioning the other half of the day. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. Portable space heaters are pretty cheap, but the portable air conditioning systems are not. They run around four hundred bucks if on sale. So if this method did not work, it would be money out the window. However, I am someone who likes to gamble so I think I will give it a go and see if it is for real or if it is internet lies. I have been reading this stuff on assorted websites that I got to through clicking many clickable live links around the web. So who knows, it could be real or it could be fake. Whatever the case the more I think about it I think I am going to give it a shot. Because it does make sense that portable space heaters and portable air conditioning systems take up less energy than running a central heating and cooling unit all of the time.



Geothermal heat pump