It could have been fun to go with them

I was supposed to go to the river with my friends, however I ended up having to work.

I wasn’t tied up to work at first, but the guy who was supposed to be in charge of weekend Heating, Ventilation plus A/C repairs got sick with covid & could not do it.

The boss promised to spend money me a 10% bonus on all of the sales from the weekend since I already had plans. I was trying to save up to buy a new flat screen TV for the residing room. The 10% bonus was a good incentive to cancel my plans & stay condo to work. My friends were a little worried that I didn’t go to the river. Every one of us were supposed to take my automobile because it gets the best gas mileage. I told my friends that they could still take my automobile if they wanted to, but they decided against it. I stayed condo & worked the whole weekend. On Friday night I received a iPhone call from a worried buyer having problems with the a/c. I was on that scarce pair call until 3:00 in the morning. I only got a couple of hours of sleep before the iPhone rang again. I did more than $3,000 worth of sales that weekend & the $300 bonus was a nice way for my boss to say thank you for all of the difficult work. It would have been a lot of fun to go with my friends, however I gained a heap of money by staying & helping out the boss with the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C repairs.

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