It was far too warm to clean without AC.

I had the day off work, plus I had every intention of cleaning the house! I simply got up early so I could get the ceilings cleaned before the heat settled in.

I turned on the fans, but the moving blades just really concerned me.

I walked over to turn the air conditioner on, but nothing happened. I knew our air conditioner component was old, but it worked when my buddy and I turned it on last week. I called the heating plus air conditioning supplier and told them I needed repair on my air conditioner unit. I told her the air conditioner component was turning on, plus she asked if I had evaluated the batteries in the thermostat! The light was on, plus it was reading temperature, time, plus it was clicking. I knew the thermostat was okay. I asked her how soon she could get the heating plus air conditioning technician to the house, but she said she could not possibly have someone out that day, plus set up an appointment for 10 AM the next afternoon. Since I was already home, I thought that was a good time. I decided it was too warm to clean without an air conditioner, so I went shopping instead! Five hundred dollars later, I walked into a dwelling that was cool plus comfortable, my cooling system was humming like nothing had happened earlier that afternoon. I looked at the thermostat plus realized I had the thermostat set at sixty-eight. It was only sixty-seven when I was working. I hadn’t given it time for the temperature to go up, plus I had to call the heating plus air conditioning supplier to cancel my appointment.


heater for sale