It’s important to get furnace inspections and tuneups before the weather gets cold

I have friends that wait as long as possible, with some trying to get through the winter season without any furnace inspections at all

We’re right at the tail end of the summer. I didn’t know how long it would take this year because it kept staying hot well into early October. My father loves it because he gets a month of deer hunting season where the weather is perfect and he doesn’t freeze while sitting in his tree stand. Unlike my father, I don’t hunt and have no plan to ever start. Still, I’ll make good use of the pleasant weather as I ready myself for the eventual winter onslaught. I need to clean out my rain gutters and clear all the debris off my roof. I’d much rather do this in 60 degree weather opposed to 30. When I finish those chores, I need to divert my attention to something of even greater importance. Like anyone else in my climate, I use indoor heating during the cold winter season. My furnace is my life line when it gets below zero degrees outside. Without a working furnace, I could freeze to death. Every year I get my furnace and the rest of my HVAC system inspected by a reputable technician. I want to get any necessary repairs finished before the temperature drops low enough where I need to use the heater. Once the inspections, repairs, and tuneups are made, I can safely know that my furnace is ready to go for the long winter season. I have friends that wait as long as possible, with some trying to get through the winter season without any furnace inspections at all. The last thing you want to do is set yourself up for a situation where you need a sudden furnace repair during a cold January blizzard.


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