Medical prescriptions are nothing compared to holistic health options

I never much liked heading over to the doctor when I was a child.

It seemed to always end with an injection someplace.

But, I sort of got over that fear as I grew older. However, I have a new reason for avoiding the doctor altogether. It’s because they actually don’t bother to listen & I am out of the exam room in minutes with another prescription. So, a few years ago I took a more holistic approach. I have appreciated recreational cannabis on & off throughout my life. But more recently, I have been using legal weed as a major section of a more holistic approach to my health. The doctor basically seems to be entirely ready to simply fire off a prescription & get on to the patient after me. Plus, the medical profession seems to be completely business & profit oriented. Perhaps it’s always been this way. Maybe now I am just realizing the effect of a lifetime contributing to big pharma. Instead of that, I am now going to the legal pot store that isn’t too far to pick up legal weed. Legal marijuana is truly the one thing that really helps me to relax & get rest. Along with cbd products, the legal pot lets me actually get the restorative rest I have been after for ages. Plus, what I acquire from the weed dispensary is all natural. It’s not another pill that brings on more problems by attempting to stop a symptom. I actually love that about it. It fits in with the holistic healthy lifestyle that I am all about nowadays.

legal weed