My air conditioner is working again

My air conditioner is working again, and I couldn’t be happier.

I thought for sure that I was going to have to call an HVAC technician to have them come out and fix my air conditioner.

My air conditioner just all of the sudden stopped working for almost three days. It would not turn on or anything. I have no idea what was wrong with my air conditioner. Today, my air conditioner turned on all on its own and brought my house back down to the temperature that it was supposed to be. It was like a miracle. After talking to a friend about how much it cost to get her air conditioner fixed by an HVAC company, I wasn’t certain that I was going to be able to afford to get my air conditioner fixed. I knew that I wanted air conditioning in my house, but I didn’t think that I would have the money to be able to have air conditioning once again. I love my air conditioning, but I knew that I could live without it if I had to. I am so glad that my air conditioner turned back on on its own. I don’t really know what to think now because it could turn back off at any time, but it has been working for about five hours now. I don’t want it to quit again, but if it does, I will wait it out to see if it turns back on again. It will be a long rest of the summer without air conditioning, but I am sure that I will survive.
