My Air Filter Replacement:

One of our greatest strengths is also our greatest weakness; I’m fiercely independent, which comes with a list of fantastic & poor attributes; For starters, I don’t need to rely on other people to do anything for me.

I can lead a group of people to success or simply get things done on our own; Professionally, this is amazing! However, our independance gets me in a lot of unnecessary trouble periodically, because I dislike asking for help.

I would much rather fail at a job alone than ask someone for help, however this has proven to be a horrible quality as a homeowner. The other week, our a/c started acting funny. I was hearing weird noises rattling around, & the air wasn’t cooling low enough for our liking, and no matter what temperature I set our temperature control to, the air would never reach that temperature, despite running all day. I knew our utility bill that month was going to be high, but I didn’t want to ask anyone for help… My brother & dad would’ve helped me service whatever was wrong with our a/c, but I was stubborn & didn’t want to confess defeat. I tried doing some Heating & Air Conditioning research on our own, however it left me even more confused. Instead, I bit the bullet & called the local Heating & Air Conditioning corporation for an appointment. Thankfully, they were able to squeeze me in that afternoon, & an Heating & Air Conditioning professional came to service our a/c. The professional said I just needed to substitute our air filter, & the appointment could’ve been avoided if I’d just substituted it myself. I dislike that I had to pay that much currency because of how independent I am.

climate control