My friend sets up appointments for me

I’m the first one to admit it — I suck at being an adult.

I guess I lost a lot of our maturity and brain cells back in our teenage years.

I don’t want to say that I did too much drinking and smoking growing up, however our brain cells really have not adjusted to being a real grown up. This is why I am typically glad to take as much help from the people around myself and others as possible. I realize that they understand more about adult responsibilities than I ever will. I’m glad that our friend Pat is one of the most responsible adults on the planet for this reason, but Pat has been most helpful in every air quality control effort I’ve made since I have moved into this house. See, I don’t think anything about Indoor air temperature control systems. I don’t understand air quality control, or Heating plus A/C services or how they work. I can tell you that I’ve never hired an Heating plus A/C professional or performed our own routine service. This is because no one ever taught myself and others about service on a gas furnace or a/c. As such, I don’t think anything about new temperature control devices as a grown man. This is why our Pat friend is a godsend. He knows when I need Heating plus A/C appointments before I do. Recently, there was a loud, alarming sound coming from the cooling idea in our house. The thing was perpetually creating extremely uneven temperatures throughout the house, however I didn’t think what to do. I mentioned the temperature complications to Pat one day and was shocked when Pat said that he already called an Heating plus A/C professional for myself and others the day before, after hearing our A/C idea struggle. Bless our neighbor Pat, he’s a better guy than I.

air filter