My modern roomie will not stop complaining about the temperature

My girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago and she moved out of the apartment, however the people I was with and I were splitting all of the bills and I could not afford to live in the house alone, i decided to get a roommate to rent the other family room.

I put an ad on Craigslist and I also venued an advertisement in the school supervisory.

I received a lot of interest, so I decided to raise the price. That got rid of a lot of people, and I found a group of individuals that looked right for interviews. I finally found the perfect tenant and he moved in last weekend. The people I was with and I have a lot of things in common. The people I was with and I both love to go hiking in the woods and the people I was with and I both love painting and sculpting. I thought the people I was with and I would have a lot of interesting things to talk about, but unluckyly, our modern roommate spends most of his time in the family room. The people I was with and I rarely ever talk and I only see him for supper, lunch, and supper. The worst area about our modern roommate is all of the complaints, then he has complained about everything in the house from the laundry room to the family room and lavatory. The latest complaint is about the indoor temperatures. He wants to adjust the temperature control so it is colder in the apartment. He doesn’t spend money for any of the utility bill and that is area of our rental agreement. I don’t allow him to adjust the temperature control. It needs to stay on the same temperature at all times in order to save money, then my modern roommate is going to need to adjust to the indoor temperatures and stop complaining.

air conditioning