My neighbor was a heating technician back when I was growing up

When I was growing up almost every home had a central heating system.

I get very nostalgic when I look back at how much of a tight knot we were in the neighborhood I grew up in. Every child knew every child in each household and we would all play together. People nowadays barely know their nextdoor neighbor, let alone who lives in their neighborhood. One of our neighbors worked for a heating corp as a heating technician and with a boiler in every home the home comfort business was never out of work when it came to boiler repair and maintenance. When me and my wife Lucy bought our first house, we did not have much money. We did most of the home maintenance and repair ourselves. The little we had other than food went to buying a furnace filter for sale and I would do the furnace filter replacement. Three children, two dogs and a much bigger house later I have little to complain about. During the construction of the house we hired the heating provider to install a new HVAC of the best quality. We had to go through every heater for sale so as to make an informed choice. It was during this whole process that we got to know more about heating and the technicalities of the installation process. Since Lucy is very tech-savvy she insisted on us getting a smart regulator because in our first house we had a dial thermostat which according to her was analog and ancient. We also included a beautiful fireplace in the house which we made very good use of. We contacted the heating provider every year for maintenance and ac care.

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