My pained shoulder is out of joint lifting the AC unit.

I have never had a joint out of place, so I wasn’t sure how much pain I was supposed to have.

I assumed a shoulder joint out of place would be quite painful, but like I said, I wasn’t sure. My partner and I do all types of chores together, and one of them is lifting the outdated air conditioner component plus putting in the window in the Springtime, then removing it in the fall. My partner asked me to help him leave the AC component last week. I felt a small tug in the shoulder area, but I thought nothing of it. Once the cooling system was in place, I went back to cleaning plus preparing dinner. It wasn’t until I picked up my grandson a week later, that I felt something strange in my shoulder. My hand went numb plus there was pain radiating down my arm into my hand. It was like the bones were all broken at the same time. I told my partner I was in pain. He simply asked what I did, plus I told him I picked our grandson up, however all I wanted to do was give him a hug… When I didn’t sleep for the next two nights, he made me call the orthopedic department, who wanted me in the next afternoon. Six hours later, I was walking out of the emergency room. When my buddy and I lifted the air conditioner unit, I had pulled my shoulder out of the joint. They had to put me under sedation to put the shoulder back in place, plus I could not even cook for the next week.
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