My sister thinks of the best birthday gifts

My sister surprised me with a pretty awesome birthday gift this year.

  • She got me a really cool blanket that has the faces of all of my dogs on.

The two of us would admit this is a truly recognizable gift. The two of us were very curious about the way the fabric was printed with such an amazing detail. The two of us asked a lot of questions about the blanket hoping that we could look into the system further for some other project. The two of us found out that my sister had a friend with a really cool textile printer. In fact, that person works for a corporation that is well-known for printing over textiles like seat covers along with blankets. The two of us talked to her about the industry as well as found out that there are a number of specialty projects like fabric that can be printed using this textile printer from Kerajet. This Corporation has a main focus on textile printing using this Kerajet textile printer. It’s a lot cheaper than ordering from online as well as they can place any picture on any type of textile. The two of us were clearly fascinated by the amazing way it works. The two of us felt the blanket was just like a larger sheet of paper from an inkjet. Now that the two of us have known about this textile printer for a few years, perhaps it’s time for us to start thinking about some details that would change the way we look at other things in our home.

