No mildew thanks to the strong heat pump

I had to close the windows the other day just around suppertime to turn on the a/c for a bit.

This isn’t super unrespected for this region during the Spring.

In our home, we do our best to leave the a/c off as much as possible during this part of the year. This is also in order to get better accustomed to the heat plus humidity that comes with living in this region. I see people who go right for the a/c in mid May around here. And once June gets here, you don’t see those folks again until October. I’m overstating it a bit but it’s also quite true. Too many people spend the entire Summer inside the central a/c. They go from one air conditioned spot to another. It’s off to the commercial heating, ventilation as well as A/C of the office plus then home to the cooling given by their heat pump. There is no going outside at all except to go to another venue with a/c. That’s not the way we live plus getting weather conditions to the heat is a big reason we’re able to tolerate the heat plus humidity. So the reason I closed up the condo wasn’t due to the heat. I closed up the condo plus ran the a/c for a while in order to mitigate mold growth. That’s another thing we can also thank the heat pump for. It removes moisture from the air plus balances the humidity level. So every now and then if it’s easily damp plus warm, I also hit the a/c a bit so we remain free of mildew.

a/c serviceman