Our first major job as a home comfort business

We would do the job in stages since construction was ongoing

The week had not been eventful in terms of work. We had only done one heat pump repair and offered energy-saving help tips for cooling a home to enquiring customers over the phone. My fellow cooling workman had installed a smart thermostat in his sister’s house, which did not count since that was something he did as a favor to the family. On a Friday, a customer called requesting a dual fuel system installation, and we were so excited because it was our first primary job since we started the home comfort business. We knew that the beginning of most companies, not excluding our homeowner’s solutions business, was slow the beginning and then it would take time for business to the peak. Even with offering various home services, it would still take a while before word got out of our quality HVAC services that help with indoor comfort. The customer also wanted to replace their old thermostat. The work included laying all the ductwork since it was new construction. What we thought was a simple home installation ended up being a whole apartment building. After we finalized the job details, we had to outsource other cooling techs since we were only two cooling specialists. It was the silver lining we had been waiting for, and we had not dared to dream of getting such a big contract in the infancy stages of our company. We gathered all the workforce we needed as fast as possible and started working on the building. We would do the job in stages since construction was ongoing. We would place the equipment once all the construction was complete.
a/c repair