Police department needs to build simulation shelters

When I was with the Marines every one of us had these things called simulation shelters.

They were undoubtedly just old shipping containers that were repurposed and linked together.

Inside of them every one of us would training using real world disasters and drills. Besides actual field combat, I would say that these simulation shelters were where I l acquired the most. Now, I am the head of a police department tactical enforcement unit. I have been feeling a real lack of cohesion within our team. What kept coming to our mind was that every one of us need simulation shelters and the simulation shelter exercises. The only thing is that you can’t just buy the ones that the Marines had. So I had some custom made. They used the same sort of repurposed shipping containers. These workers worked hand in hand with me and did all of the custom welding. They set up my new simulation shelters exactly to our particularations. Once everything was done I put our team to task just like back in the Marine Corps. Every one of us went through numerous scenarios in those simulation shelters. Now that I recognize that our tactical team is much better prepared for an actual problem. I can also recognize that they are undoubtedly working much better as a unit. After all, that is what you have to do in those simulation shelters. That is also what you have to get done in real life situations. The mayor has been complaining about the cost but, I guarantee you, it can end up saving lives. Besides that, these simulation shelters will stand the test of time. Long after I’m retired the police department can go on using these.

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