RESTAURANT RUNAROUND: From medium rare to overdone. The only flash in the pan should be in the Steak, Diane.

Have you ever felt the discomfort of an overworking AC while dining out? Everywhere you sit, the air conditioner seems to be blasting down waves of arctic air, making you extremely unhappy.

You can’t relax and enjoy your time out. Most managers will ignore it and have the wait staff rearrange your seating and exclaim that the inner temp must be kept at a level to keep the food fresh. Well honey, I say, if you’re relying on your air conditioner for that type of HVAC service, you best make some changes to your food storage system first! CHECK PLEASE! Just because a southern outdoor lifestyle dictates the need for interior comfort to staunch the exterior effects of the regional climate, doesn’t mean your air conditioner or furnace should be chugging out at hyper speed. A well-maintained cooling and heating appointment routine conducted by a certified HVAC technician will keep YOUR business in tip top shape. Your customers will be comfortable, return time and time again and that puts the fire in your furnace to keep the conditioning going. Save yourself the aggravation of a new conditioner or heater installation down the road. Go with the best HVAC provider around. Personally, I am not particularly fond of either cooling or heating in excess ruining my dining experiences. What are the chances of returning? ZERO. A full-service HVAC air conditioner repair technician should not have to suffer because of poor maintenance or lack of customers. If you entrust them to keep your kitchen to sanitized code, then why not the dining areas? For me, I am about to try the newest bistro on the block. Purported to have the best quality Alaskan King Crab caught in the frigid North Atlantic waters, I’ll be bringing in my cardigan sweater, just in case.


Air conditioning repair