Seasonal HVAC maintenance is a must

I know that we are all dealing with shrinking household revenue.

  • The pandemic has done a number on the economy and it may not get better for some time.

And yet, we have to carry on the best way that we can. I know our household has been turned upside down in the past months. I work now from home in the comfort of our HVAC maintained house. And, I’m thankful to have my job even though I have lost a great deal of my sales bonus. My wife has also had to deal with work cuts. Her job took a big chunk of her paycheck as it tries to hold on through this economic volatility. This has led us to try to put our heads together to figure out just how and where to cut the monthly budget. We had planned on buying a car this year but that has been tabled to maintain our savings. There are other things like the HVAC. Without proper HVAC, living in this region would be just about unbearable for four months of summer heat. We have always put a priority on the HVAC. From making sure that we chose a reliable, efficient HVAC unit to the maintenance care we get twice per year. As we were going over the bills, my wife suggested that we forego the upcoming HVAC maintenance appointment. It was a very tempting idea considering it could save us a bit of money. However, we both knew pretty quick that not getting the proper HVAC service was not how we wanted to save money. In our eyes, the HVAC maintenance is simply an investment in our HVAC comfort for the long term.

Heating and cooling provider