Someone tried to steal my air cleaner

I can’t know that someone tried to steal my air cleaner, of course, air cleaners are a genuinely big deal right now, with the virus that has been going around our nation, the government is warning people to do everything that they can to ensure that they don’t get sick with the virus.

One of the ways that people can do this is by making sure that the air that they breathe is clean; People have been purchasing HEPA air filters for their HVAC units, then these HEPA air filters filter out the air before it enters into the HVAC unit, but however, while we were in the Springtime, a HEPA air filter is not enough since your HVAC units aren’t running as often.

That is why HVAC companies are recommending that people install air cleaners in their homes, and air purification systems work independently of your HVAC unit, & they can disinfect the air out of your house easily, however everyone wants an air purification plan now, but the concern is that there aren’t a lot of air cleaners anymore, and most people have already bought an air cleaner, & there is a shortage of them. Thankfully, I bought an air purification plan a long time ago, but there was one problem. Someone tried to steal my air purification plan Last week, however i had a neighbor over to my house, & while I was going to the powder room, he tried to rush it into his automobile & make it back inside without me noticing. It didn’t work, & we aren’t talking anymore. I can’t know that he tried to do that.

Space heater